meet anna
Certified Life Coach

I I would love for you to know a little about my!
I am Ana Calvo, Coach ontological certified by the MMK Institute, endorsed by the International Coach Federation, Master in education of Framingham State University and Master of Institute Business Administration Technological of Costa Rica.
For more than 18 years I have worked in the area of Human Resources and Education, in multicultural environments where I have met many people from different countries with situations or experiences that they were generating desired results.
Given the nature of my work and my interest in multiculturalism, pass many years observing different people and my own experiences.
This is how I started the journey towards self-knowledge by studying coaching.
when looking at me my and to others saw a common denominator regardless of the person's nationality, which can be summed up as change the experiences that we do not they are pleasing
Through coaching I discovered what it is possible to change our exterior through a change in our interior, cleaning those thoughts and beliefs that make our experiences in a certain way repeating and again.
The Ontological Coaching It is a field of knowledge search accompany processes transformations in others from its fundamental pillars: body, emotion and language.
you want to transform your ambit personal and labor with sustained changes over time?
This is your moment I invite you to one session!